What is another word formarginalization? Needsynonyms for marginalization? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ The act of excluding someone, socially or otherwise The act of relegating someone (or something) to a lower status ...
on, and through learning, I find myself saying “create space for reflection”, but perhaps I should add, “create space for (self-)discovery.” I think this is good advice for the artist and the educator
Sundry updates, part 2, the revenge of the update: I’m currently interning atSPLABin Seattle, a center for poetry and spoken word. We just had an event, the Allen Ginsberg Marathon, where we read poems until dawn in honor of the great man’s birthday. I read, and got to hear fabul...
You are now standing with 4 black and 1 Hispanic students grade 12 in front of theMurderBoard(2 different photos for each word). You are all looking at the over 1,200 names of people murdered in NOLA between 2007 and 2012. One student starts crying and says “3 of my ex-boyfriends ...
For all of its deep flaws, at least the Spiritual Mobilization movement paid lip service to the religious freedom of all Americans. Today’s “religious freedom” movement seeks its own welfare by actively promoting the marginalization of others. The sin of the earlier movement was inventing and...
They are baked into our American ideals of fairness and justice and opportunity for all. The fact is that our nation is diverse. Banning the word doesn’t change the reality. We are a nation whose population includes people of every race, religion, and ethnicity. We are a nation of men ...
even Chinese can be poor too and believe me they are increasing. My home in Cheras just got robbed by Chinese crooks. ppl are getting more desperate because of further marginalization like what is happening in the schools. More and more well educated and affluent non-malays will...
Due to the capitalist system, colonialism, and neo-colonialism, many poor people living in a perpetual banishment from rural or urban spaces (see: Roy [4]), internalize the condition of exclusion; they face difficulties in escaping this habitus of marginalization. Contemporary movements create new...