The Galdeans, led by Field Marshal Dlorn, defeated the darklings at the Crimson Fields and now head south, for word has come that the Black Imelin has turned his aim toward Meisthelm. With the army of the Hierarchy engaged far to the south, Dlorn and his Galdeans are the only forc...
, My Knit Shop – Neat Boutique, Crossword, Mobile Doc Scanner (MDScan) + OCR + 40 Kindle Fire Apps & Games of Monday (June 26) Want updates on the best free Kindle Fire Apps & Games? Sign up for Kindle Fire Apps Newsletter. Please Note: Apps & App Deals are listed below, AFTER...
white-collar prison sentence of a hollow political lackey who, in turn, took a bullet for his sneering mafia thug of a boss, Dick Cheney, who in turn was complicit (along with lead flying monkey Karl Rove) in the appallingly illegal outing of a CIA operative, which itself was a tiny bu...
, My Knit Shop – Neat Boutique, Crossword, Mobile Doc Scanner (MDScan) + OCR + 40 Kindle Fire Apps & Games of Monday (June 26) Want updates on the best free Kindle Fire Apps & Games? Sign up for Kindle Fire Apps Newsletter. Please Note: Apps & App Deals are listed below, AFTER...