Another war, another reason to get US out!(THE LAST WORD)(Libyan international military intervention)(Essay)McManus, John F
I wrote literally every word, but you dictated nearly the entire form of the novel. I plan to act as sentence-by-sentence editor for an algorithm (or set of algorithms) where I review something like 5,000 multiple choice questions and hand pick each sentence of the novel. Ultimately, ...
A whole day rain.Very rarely weather those days in Glasgow. Wen The mark for last essay of IFL is B1, just as my prediction. Thu Another free class for Bible story. A former doctor,Euan, was the teacher. Fri The results of the exams published at last. Nearly everything exactly fall ...
The philosophy of this belief can, it is true, aver that all creative working of god is to be conceived of as different from the action of the artisan. If however at the same time, or even in advance, as a consequence of an understanding of the Thomist philosophy of pre-determination ...
“I'll write a niceblurbfor his book first, though.” Noun ▲ A notice or announcement in a public medium, typically promotional in nature Noun ▲ An idea or outline of something Noun ▲ Leaflets and other printed matter used to advertise products or give advice ...
God is deeply concerned about immigration and treatment of foreigners. The Old Testament word for “immigrant”,Ger,occurs 92 times in the Bible. It meansa guest; impliesa foreignerand is often translated as:alien, sojourner,orstranger.
A piece produced, transmitted or published solely for the sake of meeting the specification of an advertisement or client’s account manager. But writes J B Rockwell in The Harvard Guide to Poetry (2017): This fragmented information, packaged as ‘content’ … simply doesn’t leave room for ...
Lastly, as you reflect on summer’s energies and invitations, you may wish to set an intention for the season, which may be one word or phrase that can guide you over the next few months. Intentions that were voiced included rest, savor, balance, and play. Intentions help us focus on ...
From the mid-1950s Lacan started questioning the nature of meaning as an effect of psychoanalytic interpretation. Locating the point of departure for any type of analytic interpretation in The Interpretation of Dreams (1900a) he insisted that Freud’s discovery of the meaning of a dream always ...
In his wonderful book, Speaking into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication, John Durham Peters writes: “’Communication’ is a registry of modern longings.” Central to modern longings as I understand them is the longing for wonder—that is, for astonishment at an existence that...