When somebody–particularly someone that you’ve been dating for a while–tells you after a long absence from each other that they have news for you…don’t panic. That’s rule number one. Pay no mind to the fact that they just happened to leave out the word good in front of the wor...
In this next one, he looks most like how he looks at present. I love the music, the lyrics, HIM SINGING, and man, does he look good in a jumpsuit. The video itself is quite interesting. Definitely not your average two-people-being-lovey-dovey. Lets see if you can separate fantasy f...
I am the Cancer Curmudgeon, otherwise known as Wendi. My genre is cranky-ass, stream of consciousness, thoughts on cancer culture. I was inspired to begin blogging in 2012 (I think) because I needed a community—the in real life community was too pinky-perky for me. A word about my lo...
It’s unfair, but I’m going to give a leg up to Desmond because I really respond to his chaotic good guy energy. He also looks very cute in his Dharma Initiative jumpsuit. Best Flashback? Sage:MyLosttruth is that I think all of the off-island flashbacks are a little bit lame, mos...