for example, had to work consistently in rifles made in another. The armed forces initially inspected virtually every unit of product; then to simplify and speed up this process without compromising safety, the military began to use sampling techniques...
jolted jiggled agitated juddered jounced shivered wabbled joggled quavered bucketed fluctuated tremored stirred flapped jarred heaved hove shimmied pulsated palpitated rippled threshed flitted flailed swept whirled thrashed reeled swished motioned ...
I was jolted awake by another prepared anti-immunization speech. “Again?” I thought. I tried to block her out, but by the time the massage was over, I was exhausted from pretending to listen. I was way too nice because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, and I was afraid if I...
chuckling as I heard Robbie shouting “Make a hole, motherfuckers, make a fucking hole!” while the cruiser jolted away from Lana, Skull, the guy with the Bluetooth speaker in the shopping car
and I was jolted with the realization that he must be talking to me. The work of the crossing was hard, but so were my abs. I was thankful for my sit- up routine. We changed course two or three times as the conditions changed, calms followed by gusts. We abandoned our plan to ...
The word “jolted”(Para.1) is closest in meaning to ___. A. disturbed B. cornered C. shocked D. captured 查看完整题目与答案 在推动金融高质量发展和建设金融强国的过程中,我们应坚持法治和德治相结合,积极培育中国特色金融文化。这需要我们做到以下几点:首先,要诚实守信,不逾越底线;其次,要以...
‘Kylie!’ Tarquin’s voice jolted her out of her paralysis just in time for her to block the now downward-racing goman sword with her own. She stumbled backwards, but immediately bounced up as the creature strode forward to finish her off, now confident in the lack of ability of its op...
The main street and small alley are bustling.The vehicle people push competitively boarded.After boards, also you push me push over to snatch the purchase chestnut.The bus has jolted, then arrived the destination - - Temple of Heaven.I gotted out, enter Temple of Heaven's front door.The ...
Mary Richardson had been jolted into action that morning because she had been particularly angered at the news of Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst’s arrest the night before at St Andrew’s Hall in Glasgow. Emmeline Pankhurst was at the time protected by a 25-strong bodyguard of women trained in the ...
A sudden, urgent whisper jolted me upright. “Boat Crane, this is Red Lance. We have movement on the trail. Please acknowledge by breaking squelch twice.” Whatever Abernathy was looking at must have been close. He was speaking so softly that I could scarcely hear him. I snatched the mike...