(Who are we kidding, you’ll get three. For every lost hour, add the cost of a cup of coffee. The last thing you need at this point is to be so tired you make another joke about poison, and it’s not like you were going to come home from this thing with any money left anyway...
Much of this dialogue is lifted directly from their letters, and the uneasy transference of the written to the spoken word gives conversations a poetic, non-naturalistic strangeness, gratifying for those of us tired of dogged realism in queer cinema. Direct-to-camera sequences where characters sen...
If you see the name of an album you’d like to donate, click on it, complete the form, hit submit, and wait for a reply from us with further instructions Once the albums are in our hands and accounted for, we’ll credit your Friends With Benefits account with points (Don’t have ...
The game Reel Joke from Wazdan offers both traditional base gameplay and innovative bonus rounds. Its jester theme is a nod to classic slots but the developer has managed to bring fresh innovation with its free spins and moving reels. These free spins wipe the slate clean and form a thrillin...
Thus the impetus and the cause for the Journey of Tripitaka, aka the story of Monkey King This is a joke on my part. For dragons don’t have ears – or they are so insignificant compared to other majestic parts of its body. Hence the character for deafness is聾! The reigning emperor....
He can use his own efforts to win the world, but after all, cannot force a woman to love him. Heaven had a big joke with him, lost when he wanted to stay, when he had never expected it and at the time of his hope, she had easily destroyed her promise to him. ...
But they haven’t. They don’t give two hoots (apologies: crap owl joke). We already know they have issues with telling the truth, having sat through a sham consultation – at taxpayer expense, hurrah! – conducted by several white men in dark suits (see below), and two women: Sheree...
Like it was some sort of twisted joke. Like my pants didn’t matter….whatever. I guess I got no sympathy there huh? The two of us ended up stopping for food somewhere on Route One. It may have been Carrabba’s or the Kowloon. I honestly forget. It was take-out of course. I ...
You know, I say, sometimes jokingly, but there’s no joke about it: I’ve been in two elections. I won them both and the second one, I won much bigger than the first. OK. Almost 75 million people voted for our campaign, the most of any incumbent president by far in the history ...