“Product safety begins with design or formulation, whether it is for a complex engineering product or a simple household article.” Noun ▲ A piece of writing included with others in a publication story piece column composition feature item report account essay exposé section commentary editorial...
I was going to write about last weekend’s Beaver Moon, the last full moon of the year. It brightened the night sky as if it were midday, and kept me from sleep two nights in a row. I thought of an essay about my two dogs: the little one has developed some health quirks; the b...
“The way in which Antiochus appeals to human nature and its development in theexpositionand defense of his ethics is modeled closely on Stoic theory, however.” Noun ▲ A written description and explanation of an idea or topic essay
There are things that I now consider easy (typing, eating with a knife and fork, sponging myself in the shower), some that I can do but have to focus (writing with a pen, putting socks on, washing my hair, brushing my teeth, doing a crossword), and some things which are very dif...
When Warren Buffet wanted to make a philanthropist out of Gates, his first move was to give him a copy of an essay by Andrew Carnegie (the greatest of all the 19th century industrialist/philanthropists), called ‘The Gospel Of Wealth’. Incidentally, we see here (and also with the case ...
Nowadays, people move from one country to another for work. Some people think children of these families suffer because of this, while others think it is helpful for them. Write an essay with no less
“Awakening to New Perspectives” is a compelling theme. At this time in human history, I believe we are being called to awaken from our spiritual slumber to become more conscious of Goodness within and around us, especially in those people who offend or anger us. Another word forGoodnessis...
He records his journey in an essay called “I’m Still Here: Back Online After a Year Without the Internet,” which theverge.com published on May 1, 2013. Miller’s experiment was motivated by a sense of unreality that many Millennials feel; just this past week Joel Stein of Time ...
It’s time, then, to steer this essay into currents I’m comfortable navigating. So, excuse me for a moment while I allow my aged systems to decompress. Ahh, I’m feeling better already. Onward to an agreeable topic. Since early 2020 I’ve watched an hour or two of television series...
A notice or announcement in a public medium “John met his songwriting partner, Bernie Taupin, in 1967, after they had both answered anadvertfor songwriters.” Noun ▲ A written review of something or someone, typically complimentary Noun ...