D. To tell us many adults experience homesickness. 2. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. Homesickness. B. Message on Facebook. C. A special sauce. D. Going to another country. 3. Paragraph 3 tells us that ___. A. homesickness is a dangerous ...
Susan Matt, who wrote a book about the subject, people used to see it as a dangerous disease."苏珊马特博士写了一本关于这一主题的书,据她说,人们过去认为这是一种危险的疾病, 结合上文“Almost anything can cause homesickness "可知此处的 it 是代指 homesickness,故选 A。 【63题详解】 段落大意...
2.What does the underlined word “it ” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A.Homesickness.B.Message on Facebook. C.A special sauce.D.Going to another country. 3.What can we learn from paragraph 4 ? A.It’s not a good way to be away from the family. ...
My husband and I can’t ride down that long beach road without feeling a wave of nostalgia or twinge of homesickness for the beach of our childhood and the memories we made there later with our own children. Children grow up and move away, as Bill and I did. Over a period of twenty-...
The airborne garden, was one of ancient times world seven wonders of the world, also called the hanging gardens.Scatters two th (Nebuchadnezzar) in previous 6 centuries by new Babylon empire Neeb armor Nepal to contract the homesickness in the Babylon city for it Princess An Mei according to...
(2)Whatdoestheunderlinedword"it"inParagraph3referto? ___A.Homesickness.B.messageonFacebook.C.Aspecialsauce.D.Goingtoanothercountry.(3)Paragraph3tellsusthat___.A.homesicknessisadangerousdiseaseB.homesicknessmadeSwisssoldiersfailC.HomersOdysseywaspopularintheancienttimeD.homesicknessisnotsomethingnew(4)What...
D. To tell us many adults experience homesickness.35. What does the underlined word "it " in Paragraph 3 refer to? A A. Homesickness. B. Message on Facebook. C. A special sauce. D. Going to another country.36. What can we learn from paragraph 4? C A. It's not a good way to...
defined by Merriam-Webster as “awistfulor excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.” The American Heritage Dictionary takes it one further: “Homesickness; esp., a severe and sometimes fatal form of melancholia, due to homesickness.” Yipes...
Joline had constructed a small cart just a few inches the floor for his son to get around. Using his hands to move about, the cart Kane to “go to” any place just as else was able to do. Kane was more than just a member of the family, he was the .Much later in my life, I...
69.Almost all students suffer from homesickness, but for some students, the transition may be too much to deal with. A.Is going to college always the best choice for high school graduates? B.Spend some time considering your choices before sending in your applications. ...