(computing)Plural for software designed to operate in a malicious, undesirable manner Plural for a piece of old cloth, especially one torn from a larger piece Noun ▲ Plural for a piece of porous material used for washing or cleaning
What is another word fordoesn't make sense? Doesn't make senseis a negation of the phrasemakes sense. Here's a list of synonyms formakes sense. Contexts▼ To be sensible, coherent, reasonable (make sense of)To decipher or understand ...
An unflinching Ozark mountain girl hacks through dangerous social terrain as she ties to hunt down her father through a complex world of feuding kin, patriachal violence and meth addiction before his absence causes their evection. Bleak, haunting and yet somehow hopeful. ...
它通常用来表示在一个bit序列(如一个byte是8个bit组成的一个序列)或一个byte序列(如word是两个byte组成的一个序列)中对整个序列取值影响最大的那个bit/byte。 LSB是Least Significant Bit/Byte的首字母缩写,通常译为最不重要的位或最不重要的字节。它通常用来表明在一个bit序列(如一个byte是8个bit组成的一个...
VOCABULARY BUILDING-JH’s Word List(season2) VOCABULARY BUILDING-JH’s Word List 谷歌走了,我作为一个G-fan,总要出来说几句的。显然我是支持谷歌的,这是我的立场。有了预设立场再讲话,就会有些偏驳。但我觉得,有深度的偏见比没有深度的面面俱到更重要。我对法律、政治这些事情都是一知半解,说得可能全...
In the end, you can launch any MS Office application (like MS Word) and go to its Menu > Account to enter your product key. This will activate MS Office on your new computer and you can access it without any hassle. There you go! I’m sure that after reading this guide on how to...
Jake has been helping people with their technology professionally since 2016, beginning as technical specialist at New York’s 5th Avenue Apple Store, then as a writer for the website Gadget Hacks. In that time, he wrote and edited thousands of news and how-to articles about iPhones and ...
Published on September 26th 2014 - Listed inHacksLinuxShellApache-1 comments Use bash to compare remote cpu load and print lowest value of array Published on August 14th 2014 - Listed inLinuxShellCoding-0 comments How to remove a newline character of every second line in bash ...
Published on April 11th 2014 - Listed in Linux Internet Unix Hacks CMS - 1 comments Debians patching solution for the openssl heartbleed bugPublished on April 10th 2014 - Listed in Linux Internet Unix Hacks - 0 comments How to remove a newline character of every second line in bashPublished...
Creative Hacks for Generating Instagram Live for Product Marketing Rodney Aubuchon 19 Apr 2023 We’ve all seen it; how crazily helpful Instagram has been for years. Among many, Instagram Live remains one of the coolest features it provides, introduced first in 2016. For many, it’s just a...