為了明白區分,Fowler 將所有使用 DSL 的程式設計方式統稱為「語言導向程式設計」(Language-Oriented Programming),而將支援語言導向程式設計的開發工具統稱為「語言工作檯」(Language Workbench)[1]。 呼~真多術語。其實大概知道有這些名詞就好,簡單地說,就像程式語言需要編譯器和 IDE 工具,DSL 也一樣需要編譯或解譯...
corruption, oppressive laws, social stratification, irrelevant superstitions, environmental destruction, and a despotic, socially different, profit oriented, ruling class, is fundamentally the result of a collective ignorance, of two of the most basic insights humans can have about reality… the...
“The city'seconomicgrowth is exemplified by the many new buildings that are currently under construction.” Adjective ▲ Justified in terms of profitability “Some big changes must be made if this company is to remaineconomic.” Adjective
(1996). Deficit-oriented treatment of word-finding problems: another replication. Aphasiology, 10, 363-383.Bastiaanse R, Bosje M, Franssen M. Deficit-oriented treatment of word-finding problems: Another replication. Aphasiology 1996;10:363-383....
Those start with the word “CLONE”. In total we have thus at least 634 fixes, and then some estimated 150 additional fixes (guessing the overlap is about 50%). So this are approximately 750 fixes, among which are some that are just by themselves a blocker for using JBoss AS 7.1.1 (...
Is it possible for you to bring a new one? We like the food at Taste of India, but they always have some sort of service-oriented issue like serving our food to another party or forgetting our order. 7. Did not see any birds in Chicago. I love birds. We have great birds in ...
for mil. I end of which failing to correctly regulate and also manage banking institutions established takes place to the dilemma, whilst the All of us domestic house loan boom and breast prompted the idea. China and japan primarily averted of which pitfall, however export-oriented companies ...
1. Inequality vs Economic Growth: Iswealth disparity an inevitable result as the market is trying to achieve optimal efficiency – that a market-oriented economy will reward some groups handsomely while punishing other groups economically? Among the advanced economies in the world, the United States...
Growing old is not exactly pleasant愉悅 for people in youth-oriented以年輕人為方向的 American culture. Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old saying goes, “You’re as young as you feel.” Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather ...
至于事情发生后无处不在的谎言、诽谤、隐瞒、扭曲、操纵,套用V for Vendetta里的一句话:you can’t escape your past, 或者无间道里面表达相同意思的那句话:出来混的,迟早要还的。互联网已经将这一切忠实得记录了下来,没有任何个人、集体能够扑灭的了了。