scope for initiative more ❯ Find more words! give Related Words and Phrases given giving giver gave gives givens givings givers See Also What is the opposite of give? Sentences with the word give Words that rhyme with give What is the past tense of give? What is the plural of give?
What is another word for bear down? Need synonyms for bear down? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.Contexts ▼ Close in on Apply oneself To come or go near, or nearer to, in place or time To forcibly impose obedience or servitude upon ...
We've all got problems of one kind oranother. 我们都有这样那样的问题。 牛津词典 The room's too small. Let's see if they've gotanotherone . 这房间太小。咱们看看是否另给找一间。 牛津词典 I don't like this room. I'm going to ask foranother. ...
Seven days had already passed when someone knocked at the door of the young man. To his enormous surprise, it was a courier with a huge packet to deliver – a big colour TV along with a note: “Many thanks for helping me on the road that night. 七天后,有人来找该年轻男子。出乎他的...
Gimme a kiss, indeed. But even us country kids couldn’t miss the digital revolution, and I did get to witness the explosion of the Internet: I remember clearly that fall day in 1995 when my family got its first computer and we all logged on for the first, fateful time. I remember ...
Got a message “ MEMORY STREAM IS NOT EXPANDABLE” after using WordprocessingDocument base on Microsoft site on MVC Graphics click event group by elements of array GRRRR...SQLite Table does not Exist. GSM 7 BIT ENCODING/DECODING Guess the Word in Windows Forms GUID format change when convert...
A day trader watches stock prices carefully.When he sees a stock rise in price, he uses the computer to buy shares of the stock.If the stock continues to rise in price in the next few minutes, the day trader sells the shares quickly to make a small profit.Then he looks for another ...
We have a fixed schedule for educational sessions, which is from 10:30 am to 2:20 pm. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 21. How much should a group of 15 students pay for a 90-minute session? A. £35. B. £70. C. £80. D...
In any event, relying on one word for every verbal interchange became an exercise in resistance for me. I was never able to see past the constant, staccato pinging (no, I did not count how many times it was used – what would be the point in that?). I have a co-worker who really...
My earliest recollection of any type of racism—evidence of an attitude of superiority of one race over another—in my extended family is the use among my many Italian American aunts and uncles of the Italian word for eggplant (moulinyan) to refer to African Americans. As a boy, I could...