What is another word forgossipping? Needsynonyms for gossipping? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Verb Present participle for to spread rumors Present participle for to chat idly Noun … more ▼ ...
gossipmonger gossiper blatherer loudmouth blatherskite natterer bigmouth prater chinwagger tittle-tattler big mouth yakker busybody twaddler blabberer motor-mouth compulsive talker blether dialogist interlocutor schmoozer yapper bore bloviator bag of wind yammerer someone who is all talk tattletale gascon...
Gossip is the information passed from one person to another about other people's lives. You may think gossip is awful. Even dictionary entries suggest that it is often unkind or untrue. And yet this common idea is unreasonable. Firstly, a study by Robbins and Karan in 2019 shows that gossi...
Gossip is the information passed from one person to another about other people’s lives. You may think gossip is awful. Even dictionary suggests that it is often unkind or untrue, but this common idea is unreasonable. Firstly, a study by Robbins and Karan shows that gossip is common but mu...
bricks and three bags of bedding sand into the back of my car at PlaceMakers when Bopper, a genial yardman there, came up and asked if I’d heard the news. Bopper always has some tidbit of gossip or chatter on the jungle telegraph to relate so I humoured him and asked what was up...
Gossip is a disease in the body of Christ today. It causes various kinds of harm to those who gossip and to those who are the subject of gossip. I explore this and 3 questions that can be used to cut off gossip before you receive it in a new article posted today on the 3rd Race ...
2. Never gossip-Hard to follow but at minimum scope It’s hard to resist the inside scoop. Finding out the reasons behind someone’s decisions, the motivations behind someone’s actions, the skinny behind someone’s hidden agenda — much less whether Hugo is really dating Jeanette in accounti...
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是非= right or wrong; quarrel; gossip; things that lead to misunderstanding of human relationships. Lesson 72 一生問諸師曰 one student various teacher said 暑天每見犬 summer day every see dog 張口流沫 open mouth flow foam 何也? why [ep] 曰said 犬之汗 dog [pp] sweat 不出皮膚 not out...
This term derives from the butt, or cask, that held drinking water on sailing ships; it was scuttled, or provided with a hole in the top, so that water could be drawn. In the same way that office workers gather around a water cooler to share gossip, thescuttlebuttwas the locale of ...