Another Word: Stories that Change the World by Cat Rambo Another Word: The Future, Ordinary by Cat Rambo Another Word: Saving Throw Vs. Boredom: How RPGs Taught Me Storytelling by Cat Rambo Another Word: The Subtle Art of Promotion by Cat Rambo ...
Today is the day for many rents and mortgages. The next two weeks are going to be hard. More forward-thinking with money Business Deeper knockdown effects for businesses. As we talk to our clients…Marketing & BusinessGoogle has banned profiting off of keywords like coronavirus (thank good...
“Awakening to New Perspectives” is a compelling theme. At this time in human history, I believe we are being called to awaken from our spiritual slumber to become more conscious of Goodness within and around us, especially in those people who offend or anger us. Another word forGoodnessisG...
● Another word for this tyranny now apparently is a "biosecurity state." All governments are working in lockstep to implement the global agenda locally. The Covid-19 epidemic essentially has been over since May-June 2020. Masks are useless and the "vaccines" are insufficiently tested and can...
“Amen I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me” he said. “I will tell you, on the day of judgement people will render an account for every careless word they speak. By your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will...
The word ‘want’ is a common term we use to describe a desire or a lack of something. Yet, the richness of English vocabulary provides us with a multitude of synonyms for ‘want,’ each with its own unique shade of meaning, ensuring that our language remains precise and expressive. Want...
Commercial, selective logging in Sabah has been going on for decades, and has severely degraded large areas of the forest estate. While Sabah retains over 50% natural forest cover (with almost half of this area being fully protected), relatively little of this forest is in pristine condition....
The use of the word computer for a person who assists by doing calculations goes back to the beginning of the seventeenth century. Also, our female mathematician obsessed authors missed a golden opportunity here as one of the people who worked together with Clairaut on his calculation was the ...
Beyond the rather obvious they must be simple because they were made by 2Simple argument, there was something deeper going on. For a few years I joined the team at 2Simple and worked alongside and under Max Wainewright, the man behind anything that is creative, innovative and good in the...
“Scrooge was better than his word…He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew…”–Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol This Christmas, along with reading Dickens or watching George Bailey and Charlie Brown, an unlikely source can help cha...