They emerge from, and are informed by, long experience and deep knowledge of a place, of the kind that lends meaning even to subtly evoked uncanny experiences – for if you know everything about a place, even a slight deviation from the norm is unsettling. These are stories of measured ...
The ancient Greeks are put on a pedestal as somehow being the originators of modern mathematics, yet so much of what is now incorporated into our global knowledge comes from many other places too, including ancient China, India and the Arabian peninsula. This assumption that the European way of...
《雲謠集》的寫作,結集以及敦煌本的抄寫時期,我在拙文“A Hypothesis regarding the gender of the creators of the song lyrics in the Yunyao ji,” 已經提出,在此僅重複抄寫的時期,因為它最晚,而且最可以確定。《雲謠集》敦煌的寫本的抄寫時間,最晚不能晚於公元922年。 因為《雲謠集》裡的詞牌早在唐玄...
In just the past five years, more than 560 million people in India have gained access to the internet. Facebook messenger for kids rolls out more and has made some changes. Maybe they will help with Education (groups)Personal Notes and Helpful Advice...
“Awakening to New Perspectives” is a compelling theme. At this time in human history, I believe we are being called to awaken from our spiritual slumber to become more conscious of Goodness within and around us, especially in those people who offend or anger us. Another word forGoodnessis...
Republicans gained 63 seats and a sizable majority in the House and picked up four seats in the Democratic controlled Senate. President Obama and his surrogates blamed this landslide on the electorate’s mood swing, born out of their angst toward incumbent public officials, not the President and...
focusLost () & focusGained () All JComponents in the Pane or Dialog When one JComponent get focus or lost focus. ChangeListener stateChanged () JTabbedPane When change tabPane from one tab to another tab. Then you also need to retrieve data from DB and manage your business alone...
The “yellow citizen”—one who protests merely for self-interest—has never gained legitimacy or respect. President Donald Trump in many ways has shown that he longs for the good old days, apparently the late 1940s and the 1950s. With his comments disparaging the members of the NFL who ...
Once an understanding of what AI does well is gained, leaders can consider the challenges that their business is facing. A strong use case is built on the alignment of technological capabilities and genuine organisational needs. After all, leaders don’t want to end up with a “solution in ...
for the golden age of Keynesian theory and policy. The triumph of monetarism in the Thatcher and Friedman years eroded the knowledge base of many younger economists about the nature of Keynes‘s argument. But with the crash of 2008-09 there was a desperation among the Wall street financial ...