Issue: I need to pursue, explore, gain a greater understanding of X, so I can do a better job of Y. Perspective: Wow! That’s a new angle, a whole new way to think about my problem or opportunity. Insight: I can now more keenly see the true nature of my situation, because…. ...
英语翻译To gain insight into what distinguishes excellence in corporate social and environmental reporting it is useful to examine another reporting model,and in our case is financial reporting model.
Busy. A common word we use as an excuse when we don’t want to do something. A word that is severely misused and misunderstood. If you look up the definition of busy, you will find: “occupied with or concentrating on a particular activity or object of attention” or “full of activit...
aLastly, the transition from point-in-time data to real-time information, and from unit-level to aggregated reporting, provides a way to gain insight into emerging issues, trends, and the level of risk in the entire organization. Another organization is succeeding at this by using exception-ba...
The speed gain with this approach, restricted for now to power of two sizes, are tremendous even for moderately large input sizes. Mostly so due to the fact the new algorithm scales as N log N. For instance, a 220 (~106) item input can be processed with the FFT approach in a couple...
The term auto is derived from the French word for car. The word is also used for motorbikes and motorcycles. Its scientific building blocks date back several hundred years. Among them is the invention of the internal combustion engine by the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens. Automobiles have ...
For them, to reach across some internally defined boundary to help another was to contaminate their soul. What shall it profit us to gain the whole world and then lose our soul? This was not their point of view. Jesus of course healed the man who is the center of the story. Jesus ...
Judith Durham, Linda Ronstadt, Judith Durham Never Had a Wardrobe Malfunction That’s what the title to this little soiree was supposed to look like, but I still can’t get this *~%/{|=&%< word processor to see things my way. Judith Durham was my first choice to represent what I re...
500 were killed inside a massacre using some land most people certainly not got word of, we’ve been likely to music this out. Phil Zimbardo, the shrink inside San francisco bay area [best famous for primary your renowned Stanford imprisonment experiment in which confirmed an individual habit ...
So it is difficult even when doing a word for word translation. I have used different but appropriate ones as variably as I can. Lesson 76 植物之花 plant things [pp] flowers 受睛天之烈日 subjected clear_weather sky [pp] intense sun 每於夜中發光 every at night middle emit light 其光由...