What is another word forflounder? Needsynonyms for flounder? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Verb To physically struggle or flail around clumsily To move or act clumsily, ineffectively, or with great difficulty ...
【题文】Most people can admit that they’ve found themselves at one point or another feeling like they are not themselves. They may feel trapped in a cycle that they don’t like. 【小题1】 Getting stuck in a rut (刻板乏味的生活) means you’re not sure how to go forward or backward...
Made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions. Moved to curb their untoward ribaldry. Both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened. Associations of "Untoward" (30 Words) adversePreventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable. ...
Anothertime of great excitement for us boys was when war broke out... 对我们男孩子来说另一个极度刺激的时刻是战争爆发。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Anotherchange that Sue made was to install central heating. 休所作的另一个改变是安装中央供暖系统。
Well, I do exactly what I tell my students to do. I read the work once through for pleasure. And then, if I either really loved it or hated it, I go back and figure out why. I have found that one of the great pleasures in life, actually, is taking an astounding piece of writin...
Oh, that chip. As a kid, I was angry. There were times that I went hungry. There were also times that my family was homeless—and if it weren’t for the kindness of near strangers, we might not have made it. When you’re a kid, and this is all you’ve ever known, you’re ...
It is not a simple story,and it may be happening in more plant species than tomatoes.It may also be happening with more chemical signals that are still unknown to us.In a word,we know that plants not only communicate,but also look out for one another.42...
The Hebrews had a word for that sense of wholeness, peace, and well-being: Shalom. While the word is literally translated as “peace,” it has a much broader definition that envelopes experiencing that feeling of “God is good. Life is good. I’m good.“ It is difficult for a modern...
once implementation for MS Word on Windows and one for MS Excel on Windows. If these converters are found on the class path, theLocalConverterdiscovers and loads them automatically unless they are explicitly deregistered by the builder'sdisablemethod. Custom converters need to be registered explicitl...
“It clearly shows what the mountain lions are facing, living out here," she said. “They have a tough time trying to carve out an existence for themselves." The area can only support around a dozen adult mountain lions, she said. Males are highly territorial and each needs 150 to 200...