Lessa, the heroine ofDragonflight, is caught in a caste system. Born noble, she’s orphaned then forced to disguise herself as a menial drudge. As clichéd as that trope seems now, it captivated me. I wasn’t a noble, but I could relate. Growing up in an unstable, alcoholic family ...
“The nuns, tucking up their habits, were forced toflounderthrough the mud on foot.” Verb ▲ To fail to have the intended effect or result “At yet another point, it looked as though the talks wouldflounderon the question of citizenship certificates issued by other States.” ...
Past tense for to belittle or express disapproval of “Those who are familiar with him oftendismisshim as a fraud or pseudo scholar.” Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from EnglishTranslate to EnglishWords With FriendsScrabbleCro...
Or they were, once their chief allies – Russia, Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon – had been forced onto the back foot. Preoccupied with troubles closer to home, they could no longer offer the military support Assad depended on. Israel’s rampage across Lebanon and its military intimidation of...
Conscripts have no choice in the natureof the work they are required to do. ... As highlighted by the Special Rapporteur, this system of indefinite, involuntary conscription amounts to forced labour and is a human rights violation. What was the age range for being drafted into the Vietnam ...
(SyFy, our last best hope for the weekly B, gave it a brief go that left us with Mansquito before recycled effects and contract actors who could be forced to be present but not to care meant there was no fun left—a death knell for that elusive thread of joy hiding in every true ...
famous for launching a three-month network TV scare-campaign in the early 1950s about the “present danger” that the US faced against the Soviet Union before the committee eventually dissovled. After the CPD was revived in 2004, its managing director, Peter Hannaford, was forced to resign wh...
Some considered him a puppet leader, forced to dance to the tune of Militant. That is far from reality as those close to the retired schoolteacher and lifelong Quaker testify. As the 84-year-old man of the people lay dying in the serene setting of a Liverpool hospice, he asked to...
I hadn’t read a word since reading The Last Honest Man in NJ. My head still ached. Dinner was vegan wontons with onions, carrots, and celery in a soft rice wrap. Apple cake for dessert. We want for nothing. Except sleep. That night, we had a youth group right next door to ...
“Every new generation is forced to fabricate the exceptional and the unfamiliar for itself, through wars and big, militaristic institutions.” If we lose our sense of wonder in the natural world we attempt to recreate in dangerous and destructive ways. The voyage inFragments of a Paradisetherefo...