The point is this passage is about a non-Christian being told to go find a follower of Jesus, not for the follower of Jesus to go find Cornelius. And not for Peter to talk to every person he encounters along the way. I’m not saying that we “can’t” preach the gospel along the...
Christ Follower, Does Your Reputation Precede You? by Joe Pursch “And I was still unknown in person to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. They only were hearing it said, “He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” And they glorified Go...
If you aren’t a committed follower of Christ, you may at least consider it to be simple, honest accounts by simple, honest people who never changed their story. Men and women who believed what they said, tried to share the incredible “Good News,” and spent the remainder of their ...
that place is temporary for the follower of Christ. We have a permanent, eternal home in Christ. While we have obligations related to our current residence, we can live our lives in such a way to remind ourselves
As a follower of Jesus, I am told that while I may not have been made for this world, I am in this world for a purpose. That purpose is to represent that eternal Kingdom in this fallen world, by loving others, even my enemies and those who have been deceived by evil. By the way...
Santiago was one of the twelve disciples and a devout follower of Christ but in 44 A.D. he became the first of Apostles to suffer martyrdom when Herod Agrippa arrested and (according to the story) personally beheaded him (this seems rather unlikely to me) in Jerusalem. According to legend...
He died. Remember that death is not the end as a follower of Christ. Death is not the end. We have an eternal hope. In 1 Cor. 15:50, Paul writes: Where O death is the sting? As we talk about persecution, remember that James was saved. We have eternal life and eternal hope. ...
Christine means "follower of Christ." Active participation in religious life has beendeclining across the United Statesfor decades, which may be partly why fewer parents are naming their daughters Christine these days. #21. Boy: Ronald Canva ...
I’m a devoted and practicing follower of Christ. And though I agree with you on the importance of the resurrection of the soul, it is in fact not the same as the resurrection of the body. Which is one of the many ways in which Jesus is utterly unique, and ...
I said, “Yes Dad. I’m here to stay for a while,” and smiled back. He didn’t have enough strength to wrap his arms around me so I just leaned in and rested my head on his shoulder for a bit. Later that evening during one of Dad’s naps Mom shared that she and Dad had ...