What is another word forflounder? Needsynonyms for flounder? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Verb To physically struggle or flail around clumsily To move or act clumsily, ineffectively, or with great difficulty ...
And at the end, he used the Hawaiian word for thank you, “Mahalo,” that he was taught by my Native Hawaiian student. And it sounded like he meant it. My student, her husband and I walked to our cars together. In the parking lot, she said she was blown away by the presentation....
Yet even here, in this statement of one person’s certain love for another, the first word we read, not once leading a line but thrice, is “if.” It’s an interesting way to phrase it. Perhaps it’s the true way, the only way. * The words most of us want to hear when in l...
When I saw who the owner was, it floored me: Right there slinging coffee was Dave from D&B Pizza in Harrisburg! He even remembered my old lunch order from years ago when I’d stop in during work or weekends. What he’s done with the place floored me, too. Not only is this a mass...
floored 9. A. towns B. town C. townie D. downtown 10. A. pleasant B. peasant C. pheasant D. pleasure 11. A. cruising B. passing C. framing D. boarding 12. A. as B. has C. is D. was 答案 I 1 ...
but it’s a type that can kinda wear thin. Or maybe I just read the collection WAY too quickly. Regardless, the centerpiece of the book is a novella that absolutely floored me, and it makes me wish Gates had another novel out, even though he’s an absolute master of the short story...
m just floored right now and I still will be in the coming days.. ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ 2 reply ofblue February 27, 2014 at 9:21 PM 't worry Mademoiselle. I don't think I'm getting over this any time soon. I rewatched the ending a bunch of times today, and...
it’s embarrassing. I devoured this collection and will likely get around to his short novels and his plays in 2013. I was floored by the intensity and vividness of his short sketches, likeThe Huntsmanand the seriously creepySleepy, while the longest piece in the book,A Boring Story, is ...