But for my American colleague, “oh please” is pronounced with an intercalated aspiratedschwabetween the first two consonants – p-h-er-leez – and for her it is a put-down, a wrist-slap, a no-no. The English word “please” means “yes” – and it means “no”. It’s not enou...
He wanted his women to be more naive than he was, women who would look up to him. He also said it was fellatio he wanted, or masturbation. “But Bob, I get a thrill when they’re kneeling there, between my knees and they’re looking up at me. And I want them to call me Mr ...
He wanted his women to be more naive than he was, women who would look up to him. He also said it was fellatio he wanted, or masturbation. “But Bob, I get a thrill when they’re kneeling there, between my knees and they’re looking up at me. And I want them to call me Mr ...