The inflated numbers are part of the fearmongering of the MSM, meant to justify the deadly lockdowns and usher in the new dictatorship. ● World government is the last thing ordinary people need. We need free and open communities with equal rights for everyone and a profound respect for ...
●Another word for this tyranny now apparently is a "biosecurity state." All governments are workingin lockstepto implement the global agenda locally. The Covid-19 epidemic essentially has been over since May-June 2020.Masks are uselessand the "vaccines" are insufficiently tested and can belethal...
because I am so tired of the nastiness of the behavior for having the audacity to choose a side, and her ticket gives me hope, and a reprieve from all the name-calling, mistruths and fear mongering from the other side. Of course, we live in troubled times, BUT I think there is a r...
orientation. Bryant’s campaign was predicated on fearmongering and false claims that LGBTQ people posed a threat to children. Her nototious assertion that “Homosexuals cannot reproduce, so they must recruit” became a rallying cry for anti-gay activists and a source of enduring stigma for LGBTQ...
Second, masks, especially N-95 masks, reduce risk from other airborne diseases that are still with us, including both flu and TB (and also measles and whooping cough, which have recurred lately because of bogus fear-mongering about vaccine safety). Third, bird flu is looking a little scary...
So, when LRC-W chose to hire me as a consultant, helping church groups write proposals, I was thrilled. No more rocking back and forth between Russian syllables to make sure I got the right word. I could use my native tongue—English! However, I learned quickly my boss wouldn’t let ...
Parker Bible Church’s Biblical Basis for Remaining Open Posted onJanuary 16, 2022byFood for the Thinkers The first people who should have fought hardest and loudest against the Covid fearmongering should have been Christian pastors. God does not give us a spirit of fear – II Timothy 1:7...
Do not give large sums of money to some self-serving alchemists who threaten and use fear tactics. Fear is the lowest vibration on earth. and people who use it do so with manipulation and evil intent and for their self-serving benefit. They are fear – mongering takers not givers. ...
Anyone seen the filmSliding Doorsin which Gwyneth Paltrow inhabits two parallel story lines: one with luscious flowing locks, and t’other with sassy Brad-Pitt era slick-fringed crop? (There’s probably a proper hair-dressy word for this style. Do say if you know.) ...
be changed by it, or that their personality is molded by it. Because while watching one of the characters wax rhapsodic about the beauty of Farsi and the balance of it, I kept thinking about all those war mongering men who also speak Farsi. Does Scottish slang make the Scots happier and...