And Jarvis is not, it seems, interested in the same aspects of Machen that fascinate me – as a historian, it is Machen’s obsession with Roman Britain and with the ancient past that speaks to me most deeply. There is nothing wrong with that, of course – the different facets of truly...
Another Word: The Precious Five-Star and the Reviewers of Mount Doom byAlethea Kontis Book reviewers fascinate me. My first official publishing gig was as a book reviewer for the local free press in Murfreesboro, TN. Every two weeks, I turned in five to eight hundred words about my favori...
He is really prepared to baffle or fascinate us in his own way here in this film, and I assure you that you will gladly go along with that especially if you have admired his idiosyncratic directing career like I have. Like Godard’s later films such as “Goodbye to Language” (2014), ...
[5] Heidegger was 35, married, and the father of two sons – but he engaged in an illicit affair with Arendt that would forever fascinate those who would later study both characters and their respective philosophical achievements. Strangers From Abroad – Hannah Arendt, Martin Heidegger, ...