distribution costs and agent fees, one-and-a-half times more than their net profit, media reported Wednesday. Among the 464 drugmakers listed on the mainland bourses, 295 have logged higher expenditure on selling expenses than net profit. The 464 firms reported 340.3 billion yuan in...
distribution costs and agent fees, one-and-a-half times more than their net profit, media reported Wednesday. Among the 464 drugmakers listed on the mainland bourses, 295 have logged higher expenditure on selling expenses than net profit. The 464 firms reported 340.3 billion yuan in...
In the first year, when all the income and expenses are added up, the company makes a profit of $1 million. The board of directors of the company can decide to do a number of things with that $1 million: It could put it in the bank and save it for a rainy day. It could ...
Dan works for a U.S. accounting firm in its Singapore office. Over the weekend, Dan plans to complete one of the firm's training courses using his home computer. Which of the following most likely describes the type of training in which Dan is participati Is wage effort bargaining and ...
THE LATEST ON CHEMTRAILS certificates are being issued for "missing" people in the under something like "United Way"—but, accounting has World Trade Center debacle that "... Surprisingly, very become as scarce as those proverbial "hens' teeth". TOADS AND PRINCES few people are asking for ...
Little did I realize that the storm on the horizon forfended something even more ominous. (Is “forfended” even a word? Forfuckit, it’s staying.) I listened to him describe, for several minutes, how strangely his body reacts to changes in humidity. It was during this exchange that ...
I'm trying to find and assign account codes for monthly accounting books I have for my business. What I'd like excel to do is search for text in a column ("Name" column shown below) and, if specific ... Gsurfer210 That could be like ...
There are also profit-sharing plans through which extra money is put aside for workers when the company makes a great deal of money in any one year. Many labor unions also have special funds from which workers can receive monthly checks when they retire or if they become disabled and cannot...
In short, share trading outside of an ISA was a lot of hassle and paperwork for a pretty uncertain return that year. (Remember,it’s better to use a trackerfolks!) There’s hassle, and then there’s Sharebuilder What made this tax accounting exercise even more tedious was that most of...
One of Shalom's backs the GAIA accounting through the U.S., originally years ago, some of the documents dealing with conclusions is that this nuclear development was not in dollars, it takes some conversion mathematics and the foreign relations from 1963 to 1967 were the result of a quick ...