Adverb for something or someone that is beloved “Her father was particularlyspecialto her, and had a profound influence on her success as an elite footballer.” Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from EnglishTranslate to EnglishW...
exoticism fantasticality surrealness idiosyncrasy aberration quirkiness unorthodoxy waywardness extraordinariness anomalousness deviation quirk anomaly divergence curiosity uncommonness nonconformity individualism erraticism unnaturalness wackiness rarity quaintness ...
When you encounter something that deviates from the norm, the word “unusual” might spring to mind. However, there are numerous ways to express this notion, each with its own shade of meaning that is best suited to different contexts. In the rich tapestry of the English language, synonyms ...
name originates from the Italian word for “fog,” something it confronts near harvest time each vintage. We began with the Renato Ratti Barolo Marcenasco 2015, a dry wine with soft tannins. Evidence of winemaking on this property dates back to the 12th Century and this release had an expre...
for both sides, which later enabled Japan to rapidly modernize from the mid-19thcentury. It was during that time that a German naturalist by the name of Kaempfer ventured to Japan and managed to collected plants specimens (1689-1691). Amongst the specimens described in hisAmoenitates Exoticae...
This is why it’s so important to find the right game for you. You can choose from a wide selection of casino online games, from classic table games to exotic sports. There are even video lottery terminals, keno, and scratch cards available. Posted by admin on February 16, 2025 –...
不但時間相差一個多世紀,在形式和主題方面也有這麼大的差異。 我卻懷疑《花間集》的主題之所以限於愛情和閨怨而未承襲唐詩的海闊天空的境界,也比不上敦煌《雲謠集》以外的曲子詞那樣以多方面的題材出現,會不會正因為它延續了《雲謠集》的路線? 奇怪的是,Shields對唐代民間曲子詞的流行以及敦煌曲子詞的發現都知之...
The Desert Museum also features more exotic species found in the nooks and crannies of the Sonoran Desert, one like the Boojum, found in north central Baja. Not all visitors to the Desert Museum are people. One photographer I know was amazed by a scene he captured between a wayward ...
Another Word A Day: An All-New Romp through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English A smorgasbord of surprising, obscure, and exotic words In this delightful encore to the national bestseller A Word A Day, Anu Garg, the founder of the wildly popular A Word A Day Web ...
To remedy the quality decline, factory managers created inspection departments to keep defective products from reaching customers. If defective product did reach the customer, it was more common for upper managers to ask the inspector, “Why did we let this get out?” than to ask the production...