Noun ▲ A variable that can hold a single true/false (1/0) value Noun ▲ A state in which only two values are possible Adjective ▲ Consisting of two parts or states Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from EnglishTranslate...
What is another word forcopy of? Needsynonyms for copy of? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Adjective Denoting someone or something regarded as comparable to or reminiscent of a better-known predecessor ...
在羅馬帝國初期,此字逐漸取代”anima”而成為「靈魂」的主要用語。[5] 然而,在當時希臘∕羅馬盛行之二元宇宙論(dualistic cosmology)的影響下,大多數的宗教 – 包括基督教在內 – 都普遍懷抱著對世界的輕視以及對肉體感官的厭惡,且視心靈與精神世界為宗教追求之唯一且真實的歸宿。這種心靈∕肉體、神聖∕世俗二分的...
Also, thestralda/ksana ratiofor event-chains has an upper limit. That is, it is not possible for a given ultimate event to reappear more thanMstralda to the right or left of its original position at the next ksana ─ this is more or less equivalent to settingc»108metres/secondas the...
Much of our learning is diminished through a dualistic approach that emphasises the cognitive, the physical and the tasks and functions of relating and living at the expense of meaning, mystery and transformation. I have an intuition that many individuals and groups who seek places of learning bey...
[11]“A dualistic religious system with Christian, Gnostic, and pagan elements, founded in Persia in the 3rd century by Manes (circa 216-circa 276). The system was based on a supposed primeval conflict between light and darkness. It spread widely in the Roman Empire and in Asia, and survi...
We explore some of his more overlooked character traits: his quirks and gifts; his stressors and anxieties; his unusual interests and values. These features reveal him as a fascinatingly dualistic artist and person. SOURCES Paul McCartney: the Definitive Biography by Chris Salewicz (1986) ...