All of this warlike talk might be excusable, even laudable, if it came from a genuine human rights activist who paid for these words. But this is James Woolsey – one of the closest things America has to a Blackshirt (if we’re going to abuse this over-abused word as he does). Ind...
(Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Any of various alternatives; some other. Chinese synonyms:另一的,另一,别的,不同,别,不同的,另 Synonyms:some other New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more ...
Since March of 2001 when HRC added the wordtransgenderto their mission statement, HRC has supported hate crime legislation which excluded gender identity or expression each and every time the exclusionary piece of legislation was introduced to Congress, during which time there have been94 horrific mur...
“It’s in the air. People want heads to roll on our side,” a House Democratic aide said. At this point, Scott can only survive if the powerful Steering Committee recommends him for the post when the panel meets next Monday. Such a move would essentially block Costa and Craig from con...
I find degrowth an awkward word. It is translated from the French and shows it. I have no word to substitute for it, but I think I can do it in a phrase. Humans need to launch an organized retreat from industrial civilization. For comparison, what we are experiencing today with the ...
Word for the day- dizzling Posted onAugust 31, 2012byThe Red Queen Courtesy of the ever lovely T.O.E. comes the word dizzling. Apparently it was a misstatement by one of her Frenchie Friends. So we put out heads together over chat, because dizzling is too perfect of a word to not...
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geoffrey.skelley:“Unorthodox” is the right word — it’s atypical for someone to actively seek the vice presidency in the press. nrakich:I could see it rubbing a lot of people the wrong way, but also, I think there would be a racial and gendered element to any criticism. Would a ...
I felt like Oliver Twist, begging for more… You can’t tell how wet we are from this photo… just take my word for it. Another of the Carnegie estate homes (Dungeness) burned to the ground some time ago, and one can explore the ruins, as can the wild horses. Right near there is...