Superlative for having or denoting good qualities traditionally associated with men “John strutted the deck inmanlydefiance, and with the certainty that the sea, nor its tumblings nor roarings would have any effect upon him.” Adjective
“John strutted the deck inmanlydefiance, and with the certainty that the sea, nor its tumblings nor roarings would have any effect upon him.” Adjective ▲ Comparative for characterized by rugged, sharp, or coarse features Find more words!
“Everything Trump has said and done has led to a level of rage and defiance that I think very few Americans fully appreciate”, said Vox’s Zack Beauchamp, who resides in Canada. “People hear that 51st state stuff, and say, ‘America is literally attempting to annex us. They’re ...
– really got going with the last two of the main set:BadlandsandThunder Road. And it continued for much of the encore, notablyBorn to Run(of course) andDancing in the Dark(though Jon always boycotts that one, for reasons we still don’t understand!). There were the usual heartfelt t...
现在是时候让大群僵尸为他们邪恶的存在付出代价了。病毒已在全球蔓延,但人类远未放弃。 忘掉那些复杂的操作和超长的过场动画 - 直接加入战斗并观看最精彩的部分!这是一款每个人都会喜欢的游戏,无论游戏经验如何。只需躺在沙发上,在类生存玩法循环中享受游戏带来的快感! 你的小队会在游戏过程中根据你做出的自定义...
It conveys perseverance or defiance in the face of difficulty, and is commonly used in phrases like “despite the rain” or “despite the challenges.” List of Synonyms for Despite Although Even though Notwithstanding In spite of Regardless of Though Albeit Whilst Whereas On the other hand ...
■(in Greek tragedy) excessive pride towards or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis(希腊悲剧)(最终导致惩罚的)傲睨神明,狂妄野心 hypotenuse [hʌɪˈpɒtənjuːz, -s] the longest side of a right-angled triangle, opposite the right angle (直角三角形的)斜边语源late 16th cent...
The tears began to well up again as she choked out a single word. "Why?"Bush stood on the quarterdeck of the Renown. It was late in the afternoon as his watch ended. But he didn't want to leave for some reason. He strolled to the railing and stared down at the rushing ...
Paul's view an audacious defiance of Christian duties to seek from the heathen the justice due from brother to brother. A matter; some ground of civil dispute. Against another; i.e. against another Christian. When one of the litigants was a heathen, Christians were allowed to go before ...
Jason has received them into his house; and they all set Caesar's authority at defiance, declaring that there is another Emperor-- one called Jesus."World English Biblewhom Jason has received. These all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus!” ...