Throughout the gusty morning winds a pair of adult bald eagles cruised casually here and there, high and low, as if out for a morning stroll. I was primed for a parade of red-shouldered hawks. Nearing midday, a distant raptor out over the Hudson River lit with reddish hue. As it pas...
Collection of articles written by me for the_Interfaceblog that has been decommissioned, and were not archived by theInternet Archive WAYBACK Machine. Unfortunately, many of the associated images have been lost. Using Git to manage your site on VH PHPCodeSniffer + PHPCompatibility For Checking Cod...
There is an attraction there: we gravitate to what appeals, draws along, seduces, enflames, what satisfies or pleases at some level (or could). This appeal however is aconditioned fact, it is a habit of attending and following-on. As conditioned, it can be reprogrammed, decommissioned, dea...
was gripped by mass protests in which thousands took to the streets shouting “Ricky Renuncia!” This was a blistering demand for the resignation of the island’s governor Ricardo Rosselló, leader of the pro-statehood New Progressive