daydreaming engrossed absent-minded lost in thought far away in a world of your own distracted in a brown study absorbed inattentive vague abstracted musing dreamy absent distrait miles away wool-gathering oblivious faraway bemused heedless pensive unaware rapt absentminded dreaming brooding wrapped up ...
He spent his time daydreaming of her dressed in long flowing gowns, or bright sun dresses, once I think dressed as a Nun. It is the ancient curse of Man that he yearns for what he does not have, and tires of what he does.
What is another word formentation? Needsynonyms for mentation? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts The act of thinking The thought processes leading to accepted theories or solutions Noun ▲ The act of thinking ...
I always leave at least one towel behind at the pool and I never remember to bring snacks. I have been known to blow past exists when driving my kids places because I was daydreaming or listening to the news. I almost walked out of a building the other day without one of my kids, ...
So, to this day, I believe in Santa Claus with every fiber of my being! So, I am sad when the lights and the greenery (fake or real) come down. I leave mine up until the end of January! We need a reason for anticipation. The entire reason for Christmas should fill us with ...
I accidently wrote a wrong word which proved to be a blessing. Instead of writing 流 (flow), I wrote 去 (to go, past). I pondered on this and finally decided that this new change was for the better since there is hint of something long gone. At the same time, there is no need...
She always held this day to be the real beginning of the Missionaries of Charity. To the end of her life she maintained that the first purpose of the congregation she founded was “to satiate the thirst of Jesus Christ on the Cross for Love and Souls.” It took four years of prayer, ...
Vicki & I met here, got degrees, married -short honeymoon . During 10 years in Atlanta. I sang in 10 different opera in small “pick-up companies” (Vicki played most of them).NO PAY, LOTS OF FUN.During the day, I was directing/conducting 7 musical and 2 plays for my HS kids –...
Are you comics artist dreaming of your picture making history of Manga? This day has come. Back in May, Japan has launched online contest “Social Kingdom” for mass drawing of manga based on the series of Hara Yasuhisa “Kingdom” ( . The pr...
I intentionally left my smartphone at home, not wanting to be accosted by calls or my own pining to use it for this or that amazing purpose. No. Because I couldn’t access the fitness center I like to use at this time of day, I had set off on a bike ride that was meant to be...