I love watching you entertain yourself. You love opening and closing doors. You love Daddy’s wireless keyboard, pushing buttons on printer (until we catch you and redirect you), trying to open the drawers in the refrigerator and rearranging the condiments on the inside door of the fridge. I...
Daddy Long Legs — the endless walker on stilts. Right, left, right, left, left, right... Walk at a steady phase and try to not to fall!Post news RSS Another one bites the dust The new update for Daddy Long Legs is now finally out on Android. Posted by KasperBoettcher on Dec ...
March 31, 2010 bylondonspankdaddy I never did get to find out Melanie’s second name, it was never that kind of relationship, unfortunately because she was one hell of a lady, as I was to find out, we had been flirting on Facebook for a couple of months , a divorced mum in her ...
Bonus for Jason being a multi-orgasmic daddy. I am glad that you plan to honor the Beefcake greats for the years when there were no awards. It’s like a BCH lifetime service award. Jason definitely deserves it, and he, along with Evan, are early nominees for BCH Scene of the Year....
What is another word forbutterfly? Needsynonyms for butterfly? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Noun A flying insect of the order Lepidoptera A person with an inconstant behavior and can quickly adjust to new circumstances ...
The chocolate egg is said to have beaten the previous record for the world’s largest, built in Belgium, which stood 8.32m (27.3ft) high. But temperatures in the region meant crowds didn’t have long to admire the egg before it started melting. ...
”Ok, Daddy, the game has gone on long enough…you can come out now…the jokes gone on too long…Come on Daddy get out of that damn coffin…It’s over with..get out of the fucking coffin…Daddy…it’s not funny anymore…get out..get out”…poor Leola, she nor anyone knew what...
helpedLarry Silversteinmortgage9-11’s Inside JobWorld Trade Center, Building 7 (seven). [Henry]Kissinger McLarty Associateshas a “strategic alliance” with theBlackstone Group.[30]Bridger Capitalis a new generationLords of the Black Stonejust as satanic, ruthless, and dangerous as its daddy!
As soon as we were seated, the hostess handed out our shower favors which contained cute little tea related items (i.e. sugar packs called “Sugar Daddy”). I haven’t tried everything yet but I liked the Oolong tea biscuit that was included in the pack, which was by a famous Taiwane...
ELLIS: DADDY! It is NOT nice. Maybe I should go tell that lady you called her a “douche-nozzle”. ME: Ellis? ELLIS: Yes? ME: I think you are starting to like saying “douche-nozzle”. ELLIS: Yeah – it’s a fun word. ) ...