A device for peeling fruit or vegetables Noun ▲ A piece of cutlery Verb ▲ To cut or stab with a knife or pointed tool “It was the second time in my life someone I loved had killed a man for attempting toknifeme.” Verb ▲ ...
up for lunch with another couple we were told we could only sit in the ground floor bar area. No worries; four hungry diners who’d skipped breakfast in full expectation of suckling pig don’t really care where they eat so long as there’s a flat surface and perhaps some cutlery. ...
and cutlery which, I am told, are distinctive to rural Cantabria and I say that in a slightly cynical way because I got the impression that there isn’t really a great deal of tradition here and that whilst a man was busy whittling wood in an open barn for the benefit of the tourists...
“I’d like that very much. Where are the plates and cutlery? That pizza smells about ready.” Despite the horrendous start to the evening, it ended well and there was plenty to eat, even once the children had descended like locusts. Al went round and checked all the windows and doors ...
It is a beautiful tale that manages to conjure memories of how vivid imagination can be for us when we are still very young. When we can imagine the flowers coming to life at night or the cutlery having parties in the kitchen when we have all gone to bed. There is also a gentle humo...
When he said he felt cold I was wondering whether it's because he kissed her/their cutlery (which may have traces of saliva) touched when they were eating together etc ? I just hope that this feeling cold phenomenon is not a sign of him getting sick... I can handle him becoming human...
“In the United States, ocean plastic waste has become a top public concern, but the developing plastic waste crisis has been building for decades.” And of what is this crisis of ocean plastic waste made up of? “Sampling on the ocean’s surface has allowed scientists to assess the large...
There are many table manners that one must pay attention to, which date from the time of ancient China, such as how to place the cutlery, how to sit in a banquet, and so on. Under normal conditions,honorable people should take the seats of honor, and humbler ones then sit down ...