For Meintz, high-power charging for EV fleets represents a paradigm shift—away from the diesel systems that have powered heavy vehicles for more than a century, and toward a system that can handle different streams of energy produced from renewable energy sources like the sun, the wind, and...
Basically, 1) we see something we think is going on; 2) we think “these” may be some of the correlating (if not causative) factors creating the issues we’re worried about; and, 3) we have some suggestions for what might be able to help the problem(s). Style wise the book is ...
: The focusAreas and regions arrays store the names of the sheets corresponding to each focus area and region, respectively. Clearing Existing Data: The code clears existing data in the region sheets except for the header row. Loop Through Focus ...
If Sam wants to challenge the fact of mass extinction via Yucatan impact, he has to offer some reason for doing so. He can’t because no such reasons exist. Since there are no such reasons, then he next has to offer an alternative hypothesis for the mass extinctions. He can’t do tha...
You'd make your way through all the IT tasks, then HR then finance, then comms, then sales, with tasks for each copied to a new sheet correlating with the region.Basically, every task that's assigned to a focus area will be copied to its respective region tab....