composed conceived conceived of concocted contrived cooked up crafted discovered drew up fabricated fathered gave rise to initiated instigated instituted issued kicked off modernizedUS spearheaded started threw together turned out brought into existence brought on brought to pass catalysedUK effectuated hatche...
“We had a lot to eat that day,includingwhat we had already eaten for breakfast.” Preposition ▲ As an example Preposition ▲ Denotes a combined effort or something done together Verb ▲ Comprising of, as part of a whole “What will you beincludingmusic as part of the festivities?” ...
verb 1.To incline the body: arch,bend,hump,hunch,scrunch,stoop. 2.To give in from or as if from a gradual loss of strength: buckle,capitulate,submit,succumb,surrender,yield. Informal:fold. 3.To conform to the will or judgment of another, especially out of respect or courtesy: ...
breeching breaching bleaching reaching leaching beaching Sentences with teaching 1.Verb,gerundorpresentparticiple Donotberudeordisruptivewhilesheisteachingtheclass. 2.Noun,singularor mass Studentswhowanttoteachartwillneedtoobtainateachingcertificate. Synonyms...
and the principle part of aqeeda is possession of iman in your heart, permitting you to trust that all He ta’ala has declared is true – and so then enabling you to declare it yourself to others in actions: so might we say that iman is the very stuff the knot is composed of?’‘...
Instead of being a single word, such as break, stop, spoil, mend, kill, a verb becomes a phrase, made up of a noun or adjective tacked on to some general-purposes verb such as prove, serve, form, play, render. In addition, the passive voice is wherever possible used in preference ...
The majority of my platoon was composed of people of color, mostly African Americans and also one Native American. The culture of the troops was in stark contrast to the culture I experienced at West Point. Most of the troops had been to Vietnam and were just finishing the last few months...
[62]MSS., but has besidesan almost unanimous supportfrom the versions. As several of these were composed at a very early date, and as they necessarily represent a wide geographical dispersion; as, further, the MS. authority for the reading--though small in quantity is good in quality--...
It is composed of many ingredients, layered, and piled so high There are no explanations for it is buried in the soul’s cry It takes patience, compassion, and an unfolding of memories and pain At times it will come as a heavy, stinging rain Other times it will be a mist, that kisse...
The city where Solomon reigned and where much of his wisdom literature, including Ecclesiastes, is thought to have been composed.3. The Search for WisdomThe ongoing quest of the Teacher to understand the complexities of life and human behavior. Teaching PointsThe Pursuit of UnderstandingThe ...