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A sacred act or ceremony in Christianity Noun ▲ Being joined in marriage “Many thousands of couples were joined inmatrimonyduring communal ceremonies.” Noun ▲ A sacred act or ceremony in Christianity Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word forms...
Because of the combo of Internet and Christianity, Godbloggers of the Intuitive Thinking persuasion dominate the Godblogosphere. Totally. For those few Godbloggers who aren’t NTs, wading into the collective Godblogosphere under NT terms is a little like gathering a few likeminded buddies and knoc...
religious phenomenon rooted not in the dogged survival of the ancient (which has proven difficult, if not impossible, for historians to demonstrate), but in self-conscious processes of revival that arose from dissatisfaction with hegemonic Christianity or fascination with transgressive forms of ...
etc which was turned into the bible Jesus. However, these stories were written thousands of years before the bible. Mediterranean cultures in the ancient world shared standard ideas about gods and their powers and place in the universe and Christianity and the bible simply adopted those ideas and...
但研究《花間集》的學者,如Anna Shields, 却强調它繼承樂府詩,唐朝,尤其是晚唐諸人如李商隱和杜牧等詩的風格, 却沒有提到它與《雲謠集》以及敦煌發現的其他曲子詞的關係。究其原因,可能是在她們的眼裡,《花間集》是文人的詞而《雲謠集》以及其他從敦煌卷子來的曲子詞却屬於俗文學,因此彼此的關聯就不被重視了...
more and more apparent that this global society will be one where “tolerance” is the byword for everything other than biblical Christianity. And what better way to breed hatred toward biblical Christians than to say “we love Jesus but hate the church” (i.e., Christians and Christianity)...
Many critics of Christianity do not believe that God have spoken. They say that prophecies like Nebuchadnezzar’s dream are the result of restless minds and that all prophecies are made up after the fact and inserted into the Bible to fool religious folks. To such critics, the dream of Nebuc...
The word corruption is often defined as moral perversion.If a company dumps toxic waste into the ocean to save money, most people recognize this as corrupt behavior. On a more subtle level, when WalMart moves into a small town and forces small businesses to shut down, for they are unable...
[9] “The question of the sociological influence of Christianity is directly tied to the question of the influence of the social context upon Christianity. When Christian thought has had measurable influence and effect upon the life around it, both within and without the confines of the community...