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FROM THE NY POST:Justine Lindsay, 29, said in an interview Saturday that she’s proud to “break down that door” for future trans athletes by joining the cheerleading squad for the Carolina Panthers’ TopCats. “This is big,” shetold BuzzFeed News. “I think more p...
The C-word has been reclaimed by the uber feminists thanks to Germaine Greer, and the popular 'C-word-art' movement employed traditionally feminine pastimes such as stitching and cheerleading as alternative creative contexts in which to reposition the word. … Read...
apparently you cannot read since the title of this thread is “Yet Another Review of Mandrake 9.1” Go do your cheerleading on another thread or beg eugenia for some Libranet coverage. 2003-03-30 11:51 pm Anonymous WTF are you talking about? Debian has a stable tree, a testing tree, and...
As for the cheerleading squad of the school, it has brought joy and pride to the entire school for years, esp when the team won the 1sr runner-up in year 2006. And every year, there will be hundreds of supporters who cancel their tuition, music classes etc just to suppor...