There was no doubt all kinds of sin and vice and debauchery in Jesus’ time. Moreover, Christianity was an outlaw religion for the first few centuries of its existence. Yet, we never hear Jesus or Paul or anyone else talking about “mobilizing” Christians to “take back Rome.” Yes, I...
tips for working mums| TaggedAll All News Art Articles Beauty Blog Blogging Book Reviews Books Business Canada Christianity Community Crime Culture Design Education Entertainment Europe Events Faith Family Fashion Fiction Food Fo,bonfire night,firework code,light fireworks,store fireworks|...
When somebody’s behavior puts you in a tizzy, ask yourself what it has to do with you. If someone is actively harming you, then by all means stick up for yourself and do what you can to avoid people like that. But remember: If you’re constantly getting in a huff about other peopl...
Recently, this friend had not only left the ministry, he left the faith and was becoming quite angry about the current state of Christianity. I think about him like the fellow in the photo above; all alone in his struggle. I’ll call this fellow “Joe,” since I can’t even remember...
It is instructive that the characteristic mark of Christianity should thus be asserted by its Founder to consist, not in any formulary or signs, but in the love which asserts the brotherhood of man. The apologists of the first centuries delighted in appealing to the striking fact of the ...
I am also reflecting on a conversation with a Native American minister on the topic of redeeming the story of the first Thanksgiving, over on Christianity Today’s “Quick to Listen” podcast. He talks about how the Native American culture has qualities to offer the broader American church, ...
In Christianity it is taken as the lever which is to move the world; nor is it possible to find for human life, amid all the intricate mazes of conduct, any other principle that should be at once as simple, as powerful, and as profound. Pulpit CommentaryVerses 8-10. - From specific ...
First, Hayes, very much grounded in practical concerns of this world, followed his own rough-and-ready, golden-rule style of Christianity, so had little regard for Studd’s evangelical soul-saving fervor. After one month at the mission Hayes wrote of Studd: “He is as arbitrary a man as...
or else should be emboldened thereby to eat, and so wound and defile his weak conscience; or be so galled and offended at it, as to stumble and fall off from his profession of Christianity, and withdraw his communion, as judging there is nothing in it, no regard being had to the law...
The local church sanctified and cleansed by the washing of water by the word---A ministry of Charity Baptist Tabernacle of Amarillo, Texas led by Pastor Ben Hickam. "Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bea