What is another word forcarry out duties? Needsynonyms for carry out duties? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Verb To serve as a member of a council, jury, or other official body “Management has tried to go on the offensive, suspending workers for...
carry out surgery put under the knife carve up cut open open up perform surgery “An urgent call has gone out for volunteers to carry out an operation to remove willow and birch scrub fringing the moss's shallow pools.” Find more words! carry out an operation See Also What is the pas...
They could require them to stay at their posts, but let the staff socialise, play games or pursue their own interests until there are real work-based duties to carry out. Of all these options, sending staff home with pay is the least popular. It hardly ever happens. Letting employees do ...
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Yet, the president’s disinterestedness in his relationships with world leaders is just another example of his choice to act as if he is above the duties imposed upon the office of the President. Such blatant acts of disregard rarely go unnoticed: 1) His decision last week to decline a ...
For decades astronomers and mathematicians had hired assistants to perform calculations. Eighteenth century scientist Alexis Claude Clairaut worked out how to allocate portions of the calculations so that they could be done in parallel… The use of the word computer for a person who assists by ...
A lot has been said regarding Space Oddity over the years, so much so that if every word written about it were placed end to end, they would reach far above the moon. However, a very moving story related to the song was posted on slate.com recently, titled: ‘How David Bowie helped...
Clean-up, next. It’s always a challenge to get everything back in place, so the multi-purpose room is ready for whatever is next. Many hands make it a lighter job. I pitched in a little, with closing duties in the kitchen before heading home. ...
500 were killed inside a massacre using some land most people certainly not got word of, we’ve been likely to music this out. Phil Zimbardo, the shrink inside San francisco bay area [best famous for primary your renowned Stanford imprisonment experiment in which confirmed an individual habit ...
What is another word forcarry out surgery? Needsynonyms for carry out surgery? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Verb To perform a surgical procedure “Considering their personal living conditions and their individual expectances, we are able to determine the...