(British, slang)To smell unpleasant “My feet reallyhum, and my GP told me to soak the soles in potassium permanganate.” Verb ▲ To resonate, throb or pulsate Verb ▲ To function in an expected or specified manner Verb ▲ To make a loud, deep, resonant sound ...
Stephen Spender Prizefor poetry in translation is open for entries until 31 July 2024 Why tackling accent bias matters at work: hopefully growing awareness about accent bias can help to dent it more in the future,writesThe Financial Times ...
Destination Tokyo (typical war film, American captain with a British accent) I was a War Bride Crisis People Will Talk Room for One More Monkey Business To Catch a Thief (silly) An Affair to Remember Pride and the Passion (horrible) Kiss Them for Me Indiscreet House Boat North by Nor...
their sense of self-esteem. For a child with Body Dysmorphic Disorder, for instance, the sudden cessation of everything that makes him or her feel safe or comfortable could have horrible consequences. Teenagers aren’t really known for their confidence: why would you want to ...
I hear a gentleman speak with the French accent.” Survivor Henry Korman expressed his anger: “I resent the Americans for knowing what was going on but doing nothing about it until 1944. As soon as Hitler wrote Mein Kampf they should have known what was going on.” Georgii Elisavetskii...
AND of course Carol Kirkwood the main weather girl in the morning. There are several eye catching weather girls around at the moment but she is the tops. Carol has a gentle Scottish accent a lovely smile and curvy figure that melts the sleep from my eyes! I like the flamboyant Owen too...
This is the crux of The British Strain Of Transphobe mindset. It’s a core part of their identity that they’re smarter than everyone else. The vast majority of them start life on the private/grammar school-Oxbridge pipeline, where in place of education they’re just told this. The possib...
“Oh Whistle” from 1904 provides a great taste of James with building mystery and menace. Suchet’s most famous for his Hercule Poirot portrayal of course, but it’s his more natural British voice and not his affected Belgian accent here. ...
“You speak Tuscan!” he exclaims. “Listen to that accent!” Suddenly, he’s suspicious. “How can that be?” I smile, because I know it’s true. Italians – Tuscans and non – comment on my Tuscan accent all the time. While at first I couldn’t understand a word that came out...
” As on this occasion his face drained of blood and went curiously shocked and I think that sudden panic came over him that happens to us all when someone speaks to us in a foreign language when we are not expecting it, or applies an unfamiliar accent to our own, and he was ...