What is another word forin a daze? Needsynonyms for in a daze? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Not fully conscious Dizzy or confused due to repeated blows to the head Crazy or behaving irrationally ...
What is another word fordenied admittance to? Needsynonyms for denied admittance to? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Verb Past tense for to deny admittance to someone “If there was imbalance, if the heart of the deceased weighed more than the feather...
Another, journey begins at the word of their death. We go through all of the formalities, we talk to those we need talk with, we say our good-byes, we take that first deep breath and step forward. Before us stretches a road that twists and turns, the sides overgrown leaving us unable...
I told the guy behind the counter that I had just gotten out of rehab for oxys, and before I stepped back into a gym of any kind, I needed to get my health right. I needed my size, strength and energy back ASAP. Needless to say, I walked out a happy man, smiling and ready to...
下一节 thinkingaboutcomingvisityou“Weren’tyoujustherecamebackoutsilence“AudreyyoubeingseriousanotherpauseDennisknewwhatmeant“Wetalkedaboutshefinallysaid“Yeahwhat’dyousay“SowhatyoudoingDennisknewwhereshegoingwhatshedifferentWhenhepromisedgiveherspacepromisedhewouldokaybeinghisownthefirsttimehehadn’tknownsome...
standing around what looks to be the equivalent of a card table in a depressing, shitty apartment, slamming shots and saying stupid stuff like, “I better be arrested, laid or blacked out by 2 a.m.” No, child, you will not accomplish any of those things slamming bottom-shelf booze in...
What is another word fordenied access to? Needsynonyms for denied access to? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Verb Past tense for to prohibit or interdict the participation or inclusion of “Otherwise, recalcitrants were to bedenied access totheir own ...