I convinced myself that the older the man, the more prepared he would be for marriage; the more willing he would be to get married in 3 years or even less; the more stable he would be, financially and career wise. So, I held unto my word despite the fact that things were not righ...
“Awakening to New Perspectives” is a compelling theme. At this time in human history, I believe we are being called to awaken from our spiritual slumber to become more conscious of Goodness within and around us, especially in those people who offend or anger us. Another word forGoodnessisG...
This new legislation would limit financial and legal liabilities of private accidents that occur in orbit, it set standards for space operations and offer incentives for new projects, the German economy ministry told Reuters it has a $112 million investment fund for Space projects. A figure, dwarf...
He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. 3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what i...
its birthing in those cartel controllers OUT OF AFRICA. Even V.K. Durham has no way to argue with our program, This has nothing to do with Redford and Streep as the really, for we only deal WITH THE REAL THING. beautiful picture Out of Africa flows. By the way, you who were so ...
A MOORS WORD IS THEIR BOND! Tech Report To Android App Users: Thank you all so very much for keeping us in the loop with respect to your Moor Apps. The (BLANK SCREEN) matter you all have been experiencing since the most recent free upgrade is being worked onRIGHT NOW! And, we hope...