(of cold weather or climate)Bitterly cold “The explorers braved theharshconditions to get to the summit.” Adjective ▲ (of aesthetic sense)Excessively showy or ornamented “He showed up to the party dressed inharshcolors of blue and purple.” ...
Looking for a challenging civilianjobin which you can serve our country while making a true contribution to world peace? If so,SOFIA– Support Our Friends in Iraq and . Apply for ajobtoday!Looking forSOFIAJobs? See currently availablejobopenings on CareerBuilder. You might also be interested in...
After a few dreadfully long seconds that felt like an eternity, I finally came up with the word “toilet”, which I knew was the correct word the moment I thought of it. It is used this way in many languages in the old world, but is not used in the new world in that sense. The...
Adverseweather conditions. aggravateAnnoy or exasperate. This drugaggravates the pain. aggravatingMaking a problem or offence worse or more serious. She found him thoroughlyaggravatingand unprofessional. botherCause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations. ...
unlike any sound they had ever heard anyone make, came from the delivery room; to be succeeded by an even more frightening silence. For the first time in his life William felt totally helpless. The two of them sat there for over an hour, without a word passing between them. Eventually ...
Due to the weather conditions, Whiskey Falls was pouring water out full guns. The falls got their name after a German farmer and his Norwegian wife started a distillery on their land in the area. When the farmer got word that the police were coming after them for the illegal activity, he...
2. Never use a long word where a short one will do. 3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. 4. Never use the passive where you can use the active. 5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday Engli...
The wireless weather stations are great for all homes, especially for areas that suffer from extreme weather conditions. The up-to-date, instant weather reports will allow a person to monitor what the weather is doing and if the bad weather is heading in their direction. Extrem...
So, for 4 months, until the end of the race on 30th June 2021, I was able to re-discover my running mojo. With this renewed vigour, I now will never take the importance of running happy for granted again. Yes, there’s no such thing as a bad run, only unimaginative runners. I ...
I had passed some rooms with the word Pos in red. I have always loved yellow highlighters. So I am home for a few days, changing my bandages which have morphed from big pieces of gauze to little strips of Telfa to now Disney Princess Band aids. I clean the incision with peroxide, ...