In essence, Australian universities have become private companies that are largely funded by taxpayers, operating without sufficient oversight and without sufficient attention to the critical role that tertiary education plays in democratic societies (Guthrie & Lucas, 2022; Parker et al., 2023). The c...
played a role in exporting good jobs to Asia. Atkinson makes the point that it is not just about insuring that all members of society have an equality of opportunity to make the best of their talents and abilities but that we should also pay attention to equality of outcomes. A similar de...
Most likely, you would figure that such behaviour would result in your being fired, and the threat of that would be enough to ensure you stick to your contract and be at work when it says you should. For gig work to offer the good kind of flexibility where you get to work only when...
You’ll also want to pay attention to accents. You don’t want too much going on in one room, or too little in another. Invest in light fixtures. Although utilitarian lights can do the trick, thoughtfully chosen lighting will do wonders for the mood and functionality of a room. Layers ...
He continued his search for another to pick. Trying to be helpful, I drew his attention to a large flower already in full bloom on the same bush, a little inside of the wall. All he had to do was pull towards him the overhanging parts of the bush to access the flower. Easy thing ...
This exchange directs attention toward the nature of the voice: that we are relational beings is signalled in that very “first cry of the infant – an invoking that unknowingly entrusts itself to a voice that responds.”i The opening sequence makes it clear the two of them are alone, ...
if I might employ this word in its root form, namely that which binds a person or country to a mode of behaviour, varies so dramatically as to warrant one asking why these conflicts: the answer as I have indicated in my talk is that, despite its claim to sekularity, it is religious ...
Assigning behaviour-types in a role play activity, e.g. be sad, angry, flamboyant, etc Using absurd problems or scenarios to explore concepts rather than highly authentic ones using 10 second ‘wrong-handed’ ugly drawing activities to encourage the ‘non-artists’ to capture the essence of a...
And unfortunately their behaviour has made it easy for the critic to descend on them. We at most, talk, write and discuss the Nigerian myth with a sense of fatalism. If everyone thought as much as I did about justice and fairness, life would be better. I am critic, but I am also ...
In the past decade, the self has also become an important topic within cognitive neuroscience with an explosion in the number of studies seeking to understand how different aspects of the self are represented within the brain. In this paper, we first outline the recent research on the ...