What is word tough? capable of great endurance; sturdy; hardy: tough troops. not easily influenced, as a person; unyielding; stubborn: a tough man to work for. hardened; incorrigible: a tough criminal. difficult to perform, accomplish, or deal with; hard, trying, or troublesome: a tough ...
I researched the subject before we decided to follow the doctor’s orders. It didn’t make sense to me that doctors would want to perform such a drastic procedure when they didn’t even find cancer. The average age of a person developing colon cancer is 71, and my wife is only 61. W...
这样看来,Google的撤离对大家无非都是好事,不喜欢它的再也不用被它麻烦了,喜欢它的也不用为它没有坚守自己的信仰而苦恼了。 至于事情发生后无处不在的谎言、诽谤、隐瞒、扭曲、操纵,套用V for Vendetta里的一句话:you can’t escape your past, 或者无间道里面表达相同意思的那句话:出来混的,迟早要还的。...
I always knew that a segment of the American population was, for lack of a better word, stupid. I knew we had more than our fair share of climate deniers, of people who really do believe that the earth was created 6,000 years ago, that Taylor Swift is a really good singer. In the...
It has allowed the image to be more pliable to suit the client’s needs and flexible in how the illustrator can be more adaptable. It has also become apparent how little drawing is now taught in the colleges at present; perhaps the digital revolution has enabled students to step beyond it...
“create space for reflection”, but perhaps I should add, “create space for (self-)discovery.” I think this is good advice for the artist and the educator. In part ‘less is more’, but also allow for dissonance, nuance, and complexity and a person’s innate desire to create ...
There were a number of things talked about at the conference that I found helpful for someone who would like to see their institution become more adaptable and welcoming of new ways of doing things. Mary Uhl-Bien-Bien talked about the idea of adaptive spaces whereby the adaptive space is the...
Featuring the work of Liz Pyle, Carolyn Gowdy, John Cuneo, Ali Fitzgerald, David Driver, Peter Brookes, Steven Guarnaccia, Anna Haifisch, John Alcorn, Geof Kern, Nick Dewar, Cliff Harper, Gary Baseman, Gabriel Guma, Lucas Varela, John Pasche, Mats Gusaf
local players often proved more adaptable to shoppers' needs.Since 2004 big emerging economies have seen growth of local and regional companies,according to data compiled by RBC.In China,for example,Yunnan Baiyao Gioup accounts for 10% of the toothpaste market,with sales growing by 45% each ...
Don’t just take the web design service’s word for how much they’ll charge. Get a written quote that outlines all the costs associated with the project. It’ll help you avoid getting sticker shock when it comes time to pay the bill. Ask for a Timeline A good web design service shou...