achieve it give rise to it realize it bring it to pass cause it just do it bring it to fruition implement it achieve live up to reach commit bag wrest fix keep faith with attain fulfill one's potential conclude put the tin lid on make hay seize acquire gain grasp honourUK meet perfect...
The use of action to achieve a result, typically politically or socially A reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense … more ▼ Noun ▲ Support for an idea or cause “Hisadvocacyon a wide range of human rights issues is something of which he can be justly proud.” ...
How can you describe the experience of coming to an understanding? Describing the experience of coming to an understanding can be done with words such as “comprehend,”“apprehend,” or “perceive.” Is there a more appropriate word to use for ‘realize’ in informal contexts?
It’s easy to feel like you’re wasting your damn time doing this stringing-words-together thing hoping to achieve some unattainable goal that seemingly requires pulling blackjack every hand for an hour. Well, you’re not. You, my writing padawan, are acquiring necessary skills. You’re ...
Bsozd, a word that dances on the edge of meaning, evokes a sense of mystery and intrigue. It whispers of hidden depths, of unexplored territories, and of the unknown. Like a fleeting shadow, it lingers in the periphery of our awareness, teasing our curiosity and urging us to delve deeper...
A term to express ‘I want you’ in another way could be ‘I yearn for you,’ which conveys a deep emotional need. Which word expresses a strong need or wish for something? ‘Pine’ or ‘ache’ can express a strong need or wish, often with an emotional depth. ...
For an even clearer comparison, I took another picture of the new pair of marimos I bought last week at the “Gardener’s Day Out” event at HortPark. I swore my first pair of marimos was this size when I bought them 3 months ago!
不但時間相差一個多世紀,在形式和主題方面也有這麼大的差異。 我卻懷疑《花間集》的主題之所以限於愛情和閨怨而未承襲唐詩的海闊天空的境界,也比不上敦煌《雲謠集》以外的曲子詞那樣以多方面的題材出現,會不會正因為它延續了《雲謠集》的路線? 奇怪的是,Shields對唐代民間曲子詞的流行以及敦煌曲子詞的發現都知之...
(24) Furthermore, a word-for-word transposition makes it possible, in this particular case, to achieve another primary objective, pursued since First Directive 80/1263, being to facilitate the freedom of movement and freedom of establishment of persons by harmonising the rules relating to driving...
Vista开始,微软进一步做了加强,在ACPI协议中添加SLIC节(Software Licensing Internal Code),其中除了电脑厂商信息外,还包含Windows激活所要求的一些信息,另外为了防止伪造,还对相关内容作了签名并用公钥算法进行加密,同时公钥算法用到的公钥也存储在SLIC节中,为了防止公钥被伪造,通过颁发给各个电脑厂商的证书来验证,而证书...