“I was awestruck,” Patrie said. “Every time I dropped off my orders, there was no mention of the word ‘abandonment,’ and every two weeks, I received…everything a normal worker would.” In February 2016, he filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Vete...
Advances in diagnostic techniques and therapies has enabled there to be better care for cancer patients. As there is always the risk of relapse, the word recovery is not used, rather the term remission, which implies regular monitoring. Post-cancer, as with time after-treatment, is therefore ...
In a word: Apple. But it's a little more complicated than that. First it was Best Buy and Amazon, which started stocking the same high-end, cutting-edge products that previously could only be found in stores like Sharper Image. But once Apple becamethe new cool kid on the block for t...
I took her word for it. She flip flopped back and forth between us going on a “break” and us divorcing. We agreed to a six month break. She told me, my family and my friends that she wanted to “find” herself so that we could reconnect in the future. She told my sister that...
So, other than my abandonment issues (someday I’ll get into that) and my need for everyone to like me (although age has gotten me to a point where I realize that I really am not that much of a people pleaser anymore and hey, if you like me, awesome. If you don’t, meh…I’...
It is Jesus who as the empty tomb becomes the abyss, the void into which the church must always venture for only by passing through the empty tomb does the church emerge into the light of the new world that is described in the word “resurrection.” It is only by living in the always...
I became cognizant that God’s mandate for holiness was to be displayed by the manner in which I lived my life as well as adherence to His Word ”Be holy as I am holy (1 Peter 1:16). I also embraced the fact that surrender to the Lord did not require the abandonment of one’s ...
For one, once word was out that the novel coronavirus had been transmitted from an animal to a human host, mass hysteria struck. Instead of listening to rational arguments put forth by scientists, a lot of people panicked and immediately flooded shelters with their entirely innocent pets. This...
Even if Hayes suspected the veracity of Mombidi’s word, he knew from firsthand experience that Studd and Buxton, at the very least, tolerated drunkenness among the natives: “Both these men sneered at me the first day I saw them for remarking at the sodden condition of the entire Mangb...
Shanghai Plant Burns 800 Tons of Coal an Hour to Keep City Cool; Waigaoqiao facility is word’s fifth-biggest coal power plant; China burning more fossil fuels to cope with extreme heat Bloomberg News /jlne.ws/3N8iHPC How ESG Investors Are Whip...