What is another word for oh my goodness? Need synonyms for oh my goodness? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.Contexts An expression of surprise or dismay An expression of surprise, shock etc. Expressing astonishment, shock, or desperation, often ...
Emma Grace We at 7ESL are dedicated to empowering English learners with cutting-edge AI technology. Our innovative applications assist users in speaking English fluently and enhancing their writing skills. We provide a wealth of resources and tools to help learners at every level master the English...
They turned toone anotherwith the same expression of dawning comprehension, surprise, and relief. 他们相互看了看,脸上都是同一种表情,恍然大悟、惊讶,而又如释重负。 柯林斯例句 The two countries do little trade withone another. 两国之间很少有贸易往来。
BloggerPerez Hiltondeserves a Raz zie award for his jaw-droppingly bad extended cameo as "himself" - joining a priest for a randy frolic in theMile HighClub - in this relentlessly crass sex comedy. "Another Gay Movie" was actually funny with some heart, but "Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone...
Looking back, it doesn’t surprise me that I grew more intrigued by the Holdless, the lowest class on Pern, than I was by the dragonriding Weyrfolk. Lessa was an excellent character, but why did she have to be a royal reclaiming her birthright? Why couldn’t she have beenborna drudge...
surprise occurrent shift avulsion breakup expiry revolution play transition decrease impairment decease loss of consciousness sex change transmutation scintillation natural event fluctuation drop-off conversion birth nativity genetic mutation happening relief slowing easing ...
A Self-referencing Sentence is a sentence that describes itself. For example, "This sentence has five words," or "This sentence contains nine syllables." A more interesting example is, "In this sentence the word ‘and’ occurs twice, the word ‘eight’ occurs twice, the word ‘four’ occu...
Things haven’t slowed a second since Brynn’s arrival–surprise, surprise! John was able to take nearly a month at home, which I was grateful for and he loved every minute of. He returned to work the first Monday of March and the next day he had to take off to accompany me to the...
Personally, I’ve followed this issue (issues) fairly intently. So much so, before the memo was released I told my son-in-law and daughter just about exactly what was going to be in it. The crimal referral by the Senate was a bit of a surprise for me, but, again, it didn’t con...