aperhapes the only way it could be restored was by another trauma perhapes可能恢复的唯一的方式它是由另一精神创伤[translate]
TRAUMA-informed practiceSCHOOL environmentRESEARCH questionsGiven that over two‐thirds of children in the United States are exposed to at least one traumatic event by age 16, it is imperative that schools support these students with trauma‐informed practices and resources. The current study ...
Obama, as the cliff deal came down to a decision between a tax increases on all filers or just the wealthiest Americans. Which way do you think public opinion would lean? The fact that the failure to renew the payroll tax holiday in the deal actually raised taxes on over 70% of ...
tackiness. There’s something terribly sad about a character who has given so much for something so banal and awful. It’s like a writer, perhaps myself, who slaves away at a novel that turns out to be an absolute bore, or even incomprehensible, but not in a good way like Thomas ...
Or that I know how to address in a didactic way (I don’t). Some of you may know that my partner died recently.“It hasn’t been long,” you say, a little over two months. And that’s true. “Go easy on yourself.” I returned to work three weeks later. Was that too early?
supplies, I would have to say it would be information.""Very good, Mr. Kennedy! Precisely the answer I was looking for. Information about your enemy is crucial. And the best way to get that information?""Having someone on the inside is perhaps the best way, sir, but it is diffic...
A better way to approach economy, politics, culture and society would be to take note of the ways in which our societies are divided horizontally: the interests of the few (the parasitic "elite") and the many (ordinary people). The elite wants to oppress and exploit the rest of us. In...
It occurred to me that the system *must* be designed so that the weight of the cars made the additional weight of the passengers negligible in the calculations. The only way to make a ride safe is to factor in, say, a 10% margin of error and make sure that a 500 lb person is onl...
The first pics Julia needed were for a portrait. I had to do this without mask. I am actually a bit shy without a mask so this was kinda “hard” for me. And just to tell you… This is really the way I dress when at home (sorry to ruin some of the ideas some of you might ...
and knocked that stupid wheel off with one stinking blow. Then they popped the new one on and had me on my way in under 10 minutes total. Honestly, I can’t recommend All Around Auto in Fountain City enough. They’ve always bent over backwards to keep my much-abused vehicles rode-wor...