full speed, toward me, gleefully jumped over me, kissed me twice on the mouth, did a pirouette in the deep snow, and leaped over me twice more before bounding down the driveway to watch the big Road Commission truck clearing the
If we all learn this feedback loop process, we can model it for future generations so that they will grow up knowing how to deal with conflict and not get messed up with what my supervisor calls A&I people a..hole and idiots who are blamers (it’s your fault you feel that way) pl...
“This scar isn’t going to heal up overnight, is it? I would love to meet your boys Al, and I don’t want the war wound to get in the way.” “You do seem to have an affinity with children…” “…don’t say it Al. I have reconciled myself to not having children of my ...
Although it would be an exaggeration to suggest that magazines have ever been the single arbiter of taste, they did have a way of pushing nations’ consciousnesses in certain directions through their hold over popularity and therefore the availability and marketability of items. Over the generations...
It enforces a great value of makership, that is, thoughtfulness. See, the thing is, I love sewing. I really do. Obviously. But it’s easy for me to get so caught up in that love that I forget that part of why I love sewing is the way it encourages me to think sustainably. ...
pieces and not as real people with real struggles, but it’s also really hard to acknowledge your own privilege and try to make the world better for those whose existence needs are not being met, especially when you have been catered to in such a way that you are also trapped by the ...
With little time, you were able to find us the perfect building and negotiate a great deal. I have enjoyed your friendship along the way and am thankful to have met a broker who not only does a great job but also truly cares about my well being, my company and our employees. Thanks ...
for you and that’s what they did for me, making sure all of my questions and concerns were addressed quickly and thoroughly and that I received quality work without spending any more than I absolutely had to. They were truly terrific in every way and I highly recommend them to others....
Although it would be an exaggeration to suggest that magazines have ever been the single arbiter of taste, they did have a way of pushing nations’ consciousnesses in certain directions through their hold over popularity and therefore the availability and marketability of items. Over the generations...