I titled this post as if this is something I’m doing (I’m not). Or that I know how to address in a didactic way (I don’t). Some of you may know that my partner died recently.“It hasn’t been long,” you say, a little over two months. And that’s true. “Go easy on...
Another unreasonable reason some people offer in attempting to justify anti-Semitism is the way they (the Jews. The entire nation of Israel) “hang together” so tightly. Even a casual observer of history can discover this. My personal opinion is they’ve had to do that for self-preservation...
I hung out with my friends for a bit after that, but I did take Jake to see the end of Kaiju Konfessions, a sing-along event hosted by Stan Hyde, because it was worth seeing once, and it’s always felt like the right way to end the con. ...
Another thing to consider when choosing CBD oil is the method of ingestion (how you will take it). Some methods include: vaping, vaping cartridges, oral drops, capsules, edibles (gummies, mints), creams/lotions/salves. The best way to use CBD oil varies by person and the desired effects...
One way to measure the validity of test would be to do what? Which of the following factors will not affect how a person does on an IQ test? a. How much sleep he/she had the night before. b. Whether that pe...
and pointed to my left finger. Satisfied, we joined the third person and made our way up the street. A few blocks from our destination, Emma began saying out loud, “City tree house.” This is a place for small children and it has been the cause of a great deal of anxiety. I ...
Diabetes is a metabolism disorder. Metabolism refers to the way the body digests food for energy and growth. Most foods we eat are broken down into a basic form of sugar called glucose; this is the major fuel source of the body. Insulin is produced by the pancreas to transfer glucose fro...
The way it’s been going lately, however, it might be a good idea to change my domain name toyawn.ca. The contents that follow will prove my point, except for the bonus item, which is a legit review of a mighty fine book. Otherwise, proceed with caution and a comfy pillow. ...
She’s way out of her league. Meeting Lonan Tremayne should have been the highlight of her stay, but he’s not Imperium. Is he interested or using her for some other purpose? It only takes one “accident” for Lonan to suspect someone wants Seppala dead. But why? Now he not ...
"You lost a good opportunity to shut up.We are sick of you criticizing us and telling us what to do.You say you bate the euro and now you want to interfere(干涉)in our meeting." This was a reference to the way the UK has stayed outside the euro zone and held on to its own ...