Added ConceptVuforiaDriveToTargetWebcam to illustrate an easy way to drive directly to any visible Vuforia target. Makes many improvements to the warning system and individual warnings. Warnings are now much more spaced out, so that they are easier to read. New warnings were added for condition...
Marion despairs, enters into conflicts with herself, and questions endlessly trying to reason her way out of her malaise. But the cure for her malaise is not rational resolution and she, realizing that her strongest characteristic (namely her rational intelligence) is not enough to untangle what...
会计上衡量一项资产有两个相对的概念:使用价值(value in use)和清算价值(liquidity value). 这两种价值的差别往往不是一点点。斧头对砍柴人是命,放到集市上就常常只能自顾自锈迹斑斑。卸磨杀驴、鸟尽弓藏,过河拆桥,上墙抽梯,兔死狗烹,说到底,都是在说这个道理。 人也是。一个生命有创造一切的可能,死去后,除了...
make them bigger or add more, but it just looks silly. I know they’re trying to accommodate that jumbled madness of a start menu, but there must be a more elegant way to show it.
As a common way to blend in with local people and discover unique things about Chinese culture, KTV in China is a necessary...
made above. It has always been humbling and eye opening to see what I thought I knew, was affected by the way I was always instructed to think about something. That certainly does not make it correct until you example the whole topic and consider views of a topic. Common sense and ...
Supplies pilled up this afternoon, all going to people impacted by this week's flooding. "Our heart breaks because these are the people who come and support us every week, or most weeks, with their hard-earned money," said Tyler Harris, who runs operations at the racetrack. "When we...
More like in a dull, aching, inflamed way. The pain reminds me my body is not a machine, despite my predilection to treat it that way. I have to admit I’m angry I can’t control my body; that it’s not doing what I want it to be doing. But when I dig a little deeper, I...
Mr. Biden said that 500 federal personnel had already been deployed to the Panhandle, with more on the way. Some residents were returning to their communities to find what was left of their homes and lives. "Where the fire was, I figured I was alright," said Jerry Harrah of Fritch, whi...
Coming down the stairs, I have to lead with my (bad) right leg but there’d no real effort on my part so coming down was a lot easier than going up. Another way they got me to go upstairs was going up step-by-step on my bottom. I found that incredibly difficult (but I did ...